Using art to create portals to new worlds.

Greetings! My name is Meredith Hutchison - and I am the creator of The Linocut. I have over 15 years of experience working in 15+ countries collaborating with people and movements to create images that combat stereotypes, challenge oppressive systems, and show new, more equitable futures and worlds. (Check out the About page for a full bio).

The Linocut site is currently under construction, but here is the basic vision I’m building…

This digital space will have two branches. The first is a weekly blog digging deep and exploring the ways in which art has been and continues to be a part of social justice work - the tactics, mediums, and art strategies that have shifted minds and mobilized people towards liberation.

The second is the visual lab - a place where I’m making my home as an artist to experiment and design with other artists and organizers, and offer services to and partner with communities, organizations, and purpose-driven companies to co-create art for change.

Illustration + Photography + Multimedia Design

While I’m working on this new digital home, check out a few samples of my past work below and give me a shout to collaborate!

Clients & Partners


Almost 10 years ago, I co-founded Vision Not Victim (VNV) - a girl-driven creative program and process that centers the experiences, voices, visions, and radical creativity of adolescent girls. VNV was born out of the idea that girls have the right to represent their story and design their future.

VNV has been implemented with girls all over the world. The images of their visions have shifted oppressive norms and stereotypes, and brought communities together to recognize the power of girls - now and in the future!